Scenario Team

The Scenario Team is composed of leaders in the field of education in Brazil. Individually, they are respected professionals in their particular field. As a team, they contributed with perspectives grounded in their vast experience. The participants’ points of view do not constitute a consensus on implicit ways forward for Basic Education in Brazil. Rather, they represented a group of engaged and committed people who worked together in the hope that the scenarios they constructed could contribute to the public debate and stimulate a dialogue that will help Brazil to make progress in Basic Education. These materials do not reflect the individual opinions of the Scenario Team members nor of the institutions in which they work.
Amarildo Reino de Lima
Amarildo Reino de LimaFederal District State Secretary of Education
Ana Carolina Villares Barral Villas Boas
Ana Carolina Villares Barral Villas BoasCAPES (Coordination of the Enhancement of Higher Education Personnel)
Ana Valeska Amaral Gomes
Ana Valeska Amaral GomesChamber of Deputies, Legislative Consulting in Area XV-Education, Culture and Sport
Analise de Jesus da Silva
Analise de Jesus da SilvaNEJA/FAE/UFMG (Nucleus of Studies and Research in Education of Youth and Adults, Federal University of Minas Gerais)
Andre Degenszajn
Andre DegenszajnGIFE (Group of Corporate Institutes and Foundations)
André Gravatá
André GravatáColetivo Educ-ação e Movimento Entusiasmo (Edu-ação Collective and Ethusiasm Movement)
André Luiz de Figueiredo Lázaro
André Luiz de Figueiredo LázaroUERF (Rio de Janeiro State University and FLACSO-Brasil (Latin American College of Social Sciences)
Andrea do Rocio Caldas
Andrea do Rocio CaldasEducation Department, Federal University of Paraná
Anna Helena Altenfelder
Anna Helena AltenfelderCENPEC (The Center for Studies and Research in Education, Culture, and Community Action)
Anna Penido
Anna PenidoInspirare
Beto de Jesus
Beto de JesusABGLT, The Brazilian Association of Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transvestites and Transsexuals
Cleuza Rodrigues Repulho
Cleuza Rodrigues RepulhoUNDIME (National Association of Municipal Education Managers) and Municipal Education Secretary of São Bernardo do Campo
Cybele Amado de Oliveira
Cybele Amado de OliveiraICEP (Chapada Institute of Education)
Daniel Cara
Daniel CaraCampanha Nacional pelo Direito à Educação (National Campaign for the Right to Education)
Denise Carreira
Denise CarreiraAção Educativa (Educational Action)
Eliene Novaes Rocha
Eliene Novaes RochaUniversity of Brasilia
Francisco Aparecido Cordão
Francisco Aparecido CordãoConselho Nacional de Educação (National Council of Education, Chamber of Basic Education)
Gersem José dos Santos Luciano
Gersem José dos Santos LucianoFOREEIA (Fórum of Amazonian Indigenous School Education), Federal University of the Amazon
Iana Mallmann
Iana MallmannCEAN (North Wing High School Center), INESC Project Wave
Isabel Cristina Santana
Isabel Cristina SantanaItaú Social Foundation
José Marcelino de Rezende Pinto
José Marcelino de Rezende PintoUniversity of São Paulo – College of Philosophy, Science and Letters
Keila Leite Chaves
Keila Leite ChavesCAMPE (Support Center for Mothers of Children with Efficiencies)
Kezia Adriana de Araújo Alves
Kezia Adriana de Araújo AlvesCRECE (Council of Representatives of School Councils)
Larissa Gomes Carneiro Borges
Larissa Gomes Carneiro BorgesProfessor Vanderlan Sampaio School of the Mundo Novo municipality in the State of Bahia
Madalena Guasco Peixoto
Madalena Guasco PeixotoCONTEE (National Confederation of Teaching Establishment Workers) and PUC-SP Pontificial Catholic University of São Paulo College of Education
Márcia Roberto da Silva
Márcia Roberto da SilvaGENTE (New Technology Education Experiment School) at André Urani municipal school
Maria de Salete Lacerda Almeida e Silva
Maria de Salete Lacerda Almeida e SilvaUNICEF (2007–2014)
Maria Gabriella Bighetti Thomaz da Silva
Maria Gabriella Bighetti Thomaz da SilvaTelefônica Vivo Foundation
Maria Lucia Meirelles Reis
Maria Lucia Meirelles ReisTodos pela Educação (All for Education)
Patricia Maria de Souza Santana
Patricia Maria de Souza SantanaPermanent Minas Gerais Education and Ethnic-Racial Diversity Forum and Affirmative Action Program at the Federal University of Minas Gerais
Patricia Monteiro Lacerda
Patricia Monteiro LacerdaC&A Institute
Paula Louzano
Paula LouzanoUSP (University of São Paulo)
Paulo de Sena Martins
Paulo de Sena MartinsChamber of Deputies, Legislative Consulting in Area XV-Education, Culture and Sport
Priscila Gonsales
Priscila Gonsales Educadigital
Rachel Trajber
Rachel TrajberCemaden/MCTI (National Natural Disaster Monitoring and Alert Center)
Regina Lúcia Poppa Scarpa
Regina Lúcia Poppa ScarpaVictor Civita Foundation
Ricardo Henriques
Ricardo HenriquesUnibanco Institute
Rita de Cássia Freitas Coelho
Rita de Cássia Freitas CoelhoSEC-MEC, Secretary of Basic Education of the Ministry of Education – Early Childhood
Rodrigo Hübner Mendes
Rodrigo Hübner MendesRodrigo Mendes Institute
Salomão Barros Ximenes
Salomão Barros XimenesAção Educativa (Educational Action)
Walisson Lopes
Walisson LopesEducational Center School 04 of Guará, Federal District, INESC Wave Project and OCA DF (Child and Adolescent Observatory)


Allan da Rosa, activist for Popular Education

Andrea Bergamaschi, Todos Pela Educação (All for Education)

Antonio Gois, newspaper O Globo

Arnobio (Binho) Marques, SASE (Teaching Systems Articulation Secretary)

Bárbara Melo, UBES (Brazilian Union of Secondary Education Students)

Bernadete Gatti, Carlos Chagas Foundation

Bianca Santana, Casa de Cultura Digital (House of Digital Culture)

Carlos Abicalil, Federal Senate

Carlos Jamil Cury, PUC-MG (Pontificial Catholic University of Minas Gerais)

Carmen Neves, CAPES (Coordination of the Enhancement of Higher Education Personnel)

Cristovam Buarque, Federal Senate

Dorinha Rezende, Chamber of Deputies

Eduardo Deschamps, CONSED (National Council of State Education Secretaries, State Secretary, Santa Catarina

Emerson Castro, State Secretary of Education, Rondônia

Gilvânia Nascimento, UNCME (Union of Municipal Councils of Education)

Guiomar Namo de Melo, EBRAP (Brazilian School of Teachers)

Jolúzia Batista, MEEL (Strategic Movement for a Lay State)

José Francisco Soares, INEP (National Institute for Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira)

Luiz Raimundo Araújo, PSOL (Socialism and Freedom Party)

Macaé Maria Evaristo, SECADI/MEC (Continued Education, Literacy, Diversity and Inclusion Secretary of the Ministry of Education)

Maria Alice Setubal, CENPEC (The Center for Studies and Research in Education, Culture, and Community Action), Tide Setubal Foundation

Maria Beatriz Luce, SEB/MEC (Basic Education Secretary of the Ministry of Education)

Maria Rebeca Otero, UNESCO

Mozart Ramos, Ayrton Senna Institute

Naércio Menezes Filho, Insper

Nina Beatriz Stocco Ranieri, USP (University of São Paulo), CEE (State Council of Education)

Pilar Lacerda,SM/Brasil Foundation

Priscila Cruz, All for Education (Todos pela Educação)

Roberto Franklin Leão, CNTE (National Confederation of Workers in Education)

Sibeli Lopes, Luiza Nunes Bezerra State School

Susan Andrews, Instituto Visão Futuro (Future Vision Institute)

Reos Institute Staff

Christel Scholten
Daniela Ferraz
Daniela Santos
George Stein
Luciana Abrahamsson
Mariana Miranda
Mille Bojer
Tiê Franco Brotto

Scenario Editor

Jacques Schop

Journalistic Review

Elisângela Fernandes
The Center for Studies and Research in Education, Culture, and Community Action (CENPEC)

Evaluation Partner

Daniel Brandão e Walquiria Tiburcio
Move – Evaluation and Strategy in Social Development